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Paralegal Diploma Program
While lawyers assume ultimate responsibility for legal work, they often delegate many of their tasks to paralegals. In fact, paralegals continue to assume a growing range of tasks in the Nation's legal offices and perform many of the same tasks as lawyers. Nevertheless, they are still explicitly prohibited from carrying out duties which are considered to be the practice of law, such as setting legal fees, giving legal advice, and presenting cases in court.
One of a paralegal's most important tasks is helping lawyers prepare for closings, hearings, trials, and corporate meetings. Paralegals
investigate the facts of cases and ensure all relevant information is considered. They also identify appropriate laws, judicial decisions, legal articles, and other materials that are relevant to assigned cases. After they analyze and organize the information, paralegals may prepare written reports that attorneys use in determining how
cases should be handled. Should attorneys decide to file lawsuits
on behalf of clients, paralegals may help prepare the legal arguments, draft pleadings and motions to be filed with the court, obtain affidavits, and assist attorneys during trials. Paralegals also organize and track files of all important case documents and make them available and
easily accessible to attorneys.
In addition to this preparatory work, paralegals also perform a number of other vital functions. For example, they help draft contracts, mortgages, separation agreements, and trust instruments. They may also assist in preparing tax returns and planning estates. Some paralegals coordinate the activities of other law office employees and maintain financial records for the office. Various additional tasks may differ, depending on the employer.
Employment of Paralegals is projected to increase as employers recognize that Paralegals do many legal tasks for lower salaries than lawyers. Most job openings will result from new job opportunities as the industry expands.
For this program the students should have basic knowledge and experience in the use of a personal computer and one of the following software programs:
Windows Word
MS Office Word 95 or later
Word Perfect 6.1 or later
Students should have access to a computer, to prepare legal documents within the curriculum, and that they understand that any costs or fees associated with this requirement are separate from the tuition of this program. Students should check with their local libraries, since many have computer availability either free or for a nominal fee.
Click on "Course Number" below to see book and course description
Course Number Course Title
LA101 Fundamentals of Paralegal Assisting
LA103 Introduction to legal concepts
LA105 Tort Law
LA107 Legal Terminology for Paralegals
LA111 Legal Terminology II
LA113 Legal Office Procedures
LA117 Introduction to Legal Research
LA121 Introduction to Criminal Procedures
BUS120 Business Law